Nate Mohler-- Design & Media Artist
Nate Mohler (b. 1997, Los Angeles, CA) is a media artist and designer, who integrates physical installations with technology to build conceptual and avant-garde experiences. A 2019 UCLA graduate with a B.A. in Design | Media Arts, Mohler is intrigued with the fusion of conceptual art and technology to support connectivity and social activism with unconventional space and sound. His work focuses on eliciting action and question through digital mediums such as projection mapping, fabric installations, light sculpture, and video art.
Public Art | Film | Code
Culver Current
--- Public Art Commission for Culver City City Hall2019 - On Going
Culver Current, consists of a 9-foot tall cylindrical steel frame with 494 LED panels inside a custom thermoformed Corian® shell. Projected video illuminates the Corian® surface from within, diffusing along ripples cut into the surface. Culver Current’s fountain uses no actual water. Instead, a series of video art works reflective of the greater Los Angeles and Culver City area are projected on the facade of the cylindrical sculpture. The fountain’s show lasts about 15 minutes long on a loop with accompanying sound by composer Luke Mombrea.
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June 15, 2023
Painted Cities: II
June 15, 2023
Painted Cities: New York
June 15, 2023
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
June 15, 2023
Painted Cities
June 15, 2023