Digital-- Artworks
ERC - 721 | Non Fungible Tokens
Project_____ List
Painted Cities | 2021
“Painted Cities" explores the subconscious and imaginative tool of machine intelligence to create the memory and dream state of a city through the fusion of motion and ink. The digital paintings are created using multiple forms of AI, especially Neural Style Transfer, to fuse Mohler's videos with ink, texture, and photographs. Mohler takes photographs of streets around the city or finds images with abstract textures and processes them to create visceral and abstract architectural studies. Something short of machine assisted hallucinations.
Available on Superrare
Out of Sight | Out of Mind
“Out of Sight | Out Of Mind” is a collection of 1,800 digital collectibles in support of the ocean by artist Nate Mohler to bring a dreamlike memory of 22 cities in 4 different styles. Randomly generated and carefully curated, every city is individual and unique. One of every 15 digital collectibles will also provide holders access to experiences provided by the benefiting organizations, partners and artist of the drop. Each collectible lives on the Tezos blockchain and is key to unlocking access to The Good Society community.
Tezos | Total 1800
Painted Cities | New York
“Painted Cities" explores the subconscious and imaginative tool of machine intelligence to create the memory and dream state of a city through the fusion of motion and ink. The digital paintings are created using multiple forms of AI, especially Neural Style Transfer, to fuse Mohler's videos with ink, texture, and photographs. Mohler takes photographs of streets around the city or finds images with abstract textures and processes them to create visceral and abstract architectural studies. Something short of machine assisted hallucinations.
ERC-721 | Total: 0010
Painted Cities II | 2022
“Painted Cities" explores the subconscious and imaginative tool of machine intelligence to create the memory and dream state of a city through the fusion of motion and ink. The digital paintings are created using multiple forms of AI, especially Neural Style Transfer, to fuse Mohler's videos with ink, texture, and photographs. Mohler takes photographs of streets around the city or finds images with abstract textures and processes them to create visceral and abstract architectural studies. Something short of machine assisted hallucinations.
Available on Superrare

ERC-721 | Total: 0002
An exercise in simulating organisms with a series of physics rules, constraints, and probability within an isolated particle system. Inspired by the rules set forth in code based artworks / generative art. I want to emphasize the rules for the system to follow and let the machine create the artwork, generating new patterns and outcomes each time. Working in modern 3D programs / node based programs / code applications often reminds me of wrangling a small annoyingly difficult child with a mind if its own.
Available on Superrare